Hello! Thank you so much for coming to this donation page for Adam Vibe Gunton. If you do not know Adam yet, just under five years ago, he was homeless and addicted to iv drugs. Adam had an experience where Jesus came to Him Face-to-face at breakfast in Billings, Montana and he has not used a drug or drank alcohol since. Adam went on to write his now bestselling autobiography From Chains To Saved and started a foundation called Recovered On Purpose with the mission to add purpose to the lives of addicts in recovery by teaching them how to share their stories powerfully to help addicts suffering. Adam has a passion to bring Jesus to those suffering and encourages them to live by “we overcome by the Blood of The Lamb and the word of our testimony.” 100% of your donation will go directly to the mission for Adam to be sent to Moldova July 23-August 2, 2022 to serve Ukrainian refugees and speak at the addiction and alcoholism treatment centers in Moldova. Adam will be giving his keynote at the treatment centers in which he teaches those attending how to share their own testimonies in order to go out and help others. As you know, Ukraine has been ravished by war from the Russian invasion; help and a message of hope are desperately needed in this area of the world. The seed you plant here will be in good soil to bring the Hope of Jesus to those in need. Thank you so much for considering this to be a place for your sowing.
All donations are tax deductible and 100% of your donation goes toward supporting Adam’s mission trip to Moldova.
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