NOVEMBER 11-21, 2024

Medical Missions
Project Timothy
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Medical Missions
Project Timothy
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Have you ever wondered what a refugee feels like? What experiences do they go through? Can you imagine for a moment that the world around you collapsed? You hear gunfire and bombs in the distance. Every passing hour the fighting comes closer. You and your family are frightened, there is barely enough food in the home to last the next few days. Harsh banging on the door, and a loud voice screams: “Leave now or you will not live”. You and your family flee with just the clothes you are wearing, you follow the soldiers, meet with the thousands of others who are fleeing the war. Your family is confused, frightened and tired. The uncertain promise of food, shelter and safety are your only hope. You left your entire life behind in a way you don’t understand. You don’t know if you can ever go home. Your hope dies as you see the growing number of refugees seeking the same hope as you.

I have just described to you the life stories of several million people living in Lebanon as refugees from Syria and Iraq.  
In addition to all the hardships the refugees had gone through, Lebanon was deeply affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the explosion that happened in Beirut. With the borders being open, we have an incredible opportunity to take hope and help to the people who are in a desperate need.

Through medical missions, refugee support and partnership with local churches we have an unprecedented opportunity to provide help and hope to the refugees in Lebanon. 

These are the ministry opportunities you will have.

  • Women’s ministry
  • Children’s ministry
  • Intercessory prayer
  • Refugee relief
  • Medical missions
  • Bible Distribution

The situation in Lebanon changes often and we don’t know how long this opportunity will be open to us!
Lebanon is rich with history, Biblical history especially. Phoenician, Egyptian, Greek, Persian, Roman, Arab, Crusader, and Ottoman ruins are scattered about the country and the most important of them are easily accessible.


  • Since the start of the crisis in Syria and Iraq, Lebanon has become home to the largest number of refugees per capita in the world.
  • Over 25 percent of the population is now made up of refugees
  • Most of them have settled in the poorest areas of Lebanon.
  • The increase of population has placed tension on families…
  • Resources and jobs are being stretched. Shelters and public services are being depleted.


Each man, woman and child has a past… Each past is faced with a new reality and future…

People are searching, hungry and craving TRUTH, and the door for evangelism is wide open.

The time has come for the church to STAND UP and bring Jesus to the suffering, to the displaced, the homeless, the orphan and the widow.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time