Having just returned from Cairo, I can hardly contain my desire to share with the fruit of our ministry there. It would not have been possible you, without WMA partners who went, who gave, who prayed. Each one has a share in the beautiful harvest. Why is it so exciting? Perhaps you will never get to meet a person whose life was saved, changed touched as a result of this mission or see in your lifetime the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah 19 over Egypt. What truly matters however that in our lifetime on this earth we bear fruit. Jesus was very blunt in his words to the priests and the elders in the temple – their titles were not important in the Kingdom of God. He told them: “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.” (Matthew 21:43)
I am convinced that producing fruit for the Kingdom is the very essence of a greater purpose in life. Helen and I are excited about the Great Purpose Conference coming up in May, because in addition to sharing the Gospel in the world’s hot spots, we want to see every Christian that connects with World Missions Alliance to live out fully their Greater Purpose.
Helen and I are thankful for you. I hope this newsletter brings you joy in knowing that you share in this beautiful harvest, and you can taste the sweetness of the fruit! We also hope to see you at the Greater Purpose Conference. As you find out below, there are two ways you can attend – in person (the best option) or digitally (also awesome)!
We lift you in our prayers and always look forward to hearing from you!
Yours in Christ,
Chuck and Helen Todd
The COVID-19 pandemic may not be over yet, but it has no ability to stop the Great Commission! If nothing else, it has given us opportunities that would not have been possible otherwise! Mission Egypt 2021 was the proof. Having ministered in Egypt since 2007, this time the hunger in people’s hearts was greater than before. Hunger for truth, for love for the firm foundation in life. In many ways Egypt is prospering. Their economy is becoming more stable, the infrastructure more reliable. But the divide between those who have and those who have not is greater than before, and so in the need for the message of hope and love.
Our medical team did outstanding work in offering care for physical health. On one day they saw over 70 patients! They also did a screening at the orphanage. Their love made a deep impression on the hearts of these precious kids. The church in Egypt was encouraged. Egyptian Christians were strengthened by the fact that their brothers and sisters in Christ from the US came to be with them during the crisis. They were encouraged that the missionary work is not sidelined by travel restrictions. The highlight, of course, was the outreach to the unreached people groups (refugees from Syria) that produces a beautiful harvest!
We continue to believe and work towards the fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah 19. The next Mission is on the calendar for 2022.
I invite you to join WMA in impacting the Balkan region for Christ. Perhaps you can’t join our team to travel there physically, you can still be a part of something very important. The purpose of our mission is not just to preach the love of Christ to the people of Serbia and Macedonia, but to BE THE LOVE OF CHRIST.
Jesus said (Matthew 25: 35,40)
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
We want to feed the hungry, help the sick, clothes the poor, bless kids with toys and gifts, all the while showing them that their true hope and future are in Christ. You can help us make this happen.
I want to help meet the immediate needs of the most impoverished communities of North Macedonia and Serbia through distribution of food, clothing and other essential supplies and Bibles.
A heart for the harvest” is a life’s mission statement. It describes a very unique and specific person. It is a person who is in love with Jesus. A person whose knowledge of Christ surpasses intellect and reaches into the very depth of the soul. It is a person whose compassion for another human being mirrors the heart of Christ. It is a person who is willing to step into the unknown with a trust that he or she can be used by God for a greater good. It is a person who believes that his or her life matters in God’s plan for humanity.
Are you this person? Do you want to be this person? Do you want to be surrounded by these kinds of people?
The Greater Purpose Conference is something not to be missed! We invite you to join a community of people who just like you are open and willing to give themselves to God’s purpose. Every speaker you will hear will pour into you a deeper revelation of the unique, complex and incredibly gifted individual you are created to be. This gathering could be a launch of a new adventure, a fresh start, a next chapter in your life. It could be your date for an intimate encounter with the Master. Register now and let us know you are coming. We want to prepare and welcome you to our WMA family reunion at the Greater Purpose Conference May 5, 6 & 7, 2021 in Branson, MO.