“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” — Galatians 6:9
Do you ever feel weary of doing good, being charitable, trying to help? After all, the problems of the world seem to only get worse. At the same time, our own problems don’t seem to go away, no matter how much good we do to others.
Helen and I believe that the Great Commission is not a suggestion for a follower of Christ. It is a spiritual lifeline that gives our spirit the “oxygen boost” to overcome weariness. It is also a way to keep us focused on the Kingdom of God rather than the “realm of man”.
This is why I am so excited to share with you the reports from the mission field. Even in the darkest times and the most difficult places, God is moving! Even in godless Western Europe His Spirit touches and transforms hardened hearts, brings hope and life. Even in the midst of the war in Ukraine people are finding salvation, protection and provision through Christ.
What a privilege it is to be a part of this process! And what a wonderful blessing to have you as a partner in the mission God assigned to World Missions Alliance.
I hope you are encouraged by the news below. The Word of God is true – your harvest is coming in God’s perfect timing!
In Christ,
Chuc & Helen Todd
Ireland is a spiritual battle ground. Because of the Catholic heritage, many people believe they are saved just because they were baptized as babies. Many of them elevate Mary above God or Christ. They refer to her as “our Lady.” Our team conducted street evangelism in Dublin and Cork. The Holy Spirit gave our team members guidance and endurance the endurance to faithfully share Jesus with hundreds of people every day… and He won. In the beginning of our ministry our Irish partners told us that the trip would be a great success if we could get three people either into the church for the first time, or three people to accept Jesus. By the end of the trip there were many salvations. One day we delivered groceries to the Ukrainian refugee families. Some of them came to visit the church afterwards. They were intrigued by the sermon on “New Covenant”. They stayed after church to speak with the pastor. In the end, they accepted Christ as their savior. Thank the Lord for His faithfulness and thank you for your prayers.
Our next trip to Ireland is June 5-15. If God is stirring your heart for Ireland, please let us know ASAP. This team is filling up quickly.
How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob, and your dwelling places, O Israel!… Blessed is the one who blesses you, and cursed is the one who curses you!” (Numbers 24:5, 9)
September 4th, for the first time since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, WMA team will travel to Israel to preach the Gospel in Upper Galilee region. The city of Kyriat Shemona, where one of our partner churches is located, has a large population of Russian Jewish immigrants. Many of them are elderly and live in very difficult financial situations, far away from their families. We will do a special evangelistic outreach among them and provide food parcels and other supplies to help. Join us in blessing Israel and caring for the elderly.
Children and youth are a big focus for our ministry in Mexico. The public education system in Mexico promotes principles and agendas contrary to the Word of God. Private Christian schools attract even non-believers because they are concerned about the future of their children. Local Christian schools have become a great base for our evangelistic work.
Our first destination will be Pachuca, a capital city of 320,000 people in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. It was once a silver mining center during the XVIII and XIX centuries and combines Spanish influence with the English (mainly Cornish) and some other European influences. It is a unique city with lots of history.
We will partner with two local churches and a Christian school to reach the most underprivileged segments of the population. During our last trip we helped one of these churches plant a fellowship in one of the most impoverished and difficult neighborhoods in the city. We will continue to work with this church plant as well as help with the new ones.
We will also visit our partners in San Vincente to continue the evangelistic outreaches we have launched in the past.
On the day of sightseeing, you will have the opportunity to explore exquisite Real del Monte, an old English mining village in the mountains that was recently awarded a Pueblo Magico status as one of the most beautiful towns in the country.
Even though the team is filling up, we still need more team members and especially people with the following gifts and talents: preachers and teachers, evangelists, those who are called to children and youth ministry, prayer warriors, musicians and people called to counseling and grief ministry.
If you’re interested in joining us in Mexico this March, please let me know as soon as possible.
World Missions Alliance in partnership with several churches in Albania is launching a child sponsorship project that will focus on the kids from the marginalized and impoverished communities to give them a chance for a brighter future. In this program a $40/month sponsorship will provide a child with a social worker who will evaluate the needs and prospects, a tutor who will provide quality Christian-based afterschool education or teach an older child a skill that will help them find employment after graduating as well as nutritional and medical assistance. It will also give this child a loving and nurturing relationship with a Christian sponsor. For most of the children among the Albanian minorities quality education and life skills are unattainable luxuries their families can’t or are unwilling to provide.
We were told that Islamic organizations are paying women in Albania $100 to wear a hijab and entice young people with money to attend mosques.
For $40 a month you can offer a child a life changing opportunity of a brighter future with Jesus.
Please check out https://rfwma.org/sponsor-a-child/ to see the faces and read the stories of the kids who are waiting for someone to believe in them and become their champion!
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