The moments when I feel that the Kingdom of Christ is near are the ones when I witness people’s lives changed and people changing the lives of others. In other words, when you and I are actively participating in the Great Commission, we are bringing in the Kingdom of Christ.
“As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.” Matthew 10:7
When we go into nations, when we help share the Good News, when we intercede for the nations, we bring the Kingdom with us to the “uttermost’ parts of the earth, as co-creators with God of this new kingdom.
In fact, “That’s Kingdom” is the theme of the next Greater Purpose Conference March 30, 31 and April 1, 2022, in Branson, Missouri. Helen and I look forward to this time when WMA family come together to worship the King and experience His Kingdom, but until then we have many wonderful opportunities opening in the months to come.
I am excited to share with you the update of what happened in Mexico last month and the news about the upcoming ministry in Ethiopia in July and Lebanon in September 2021. These are the “windows” and “doors” through which you and I smuggle the Kingdom of heaven into this broken and hurting world.
When we help the Ethiopian Jews and orphaned kids in Addis Ababa and the Syrian refugees in Beirut who are truly on the verge of starvation, when we hand a Bible to someone who has never read the word of God, when we share the testimonies of Christ’s power, we literally shatter the power and principalities of darkness!
Helen and I are thankful for your partnership – WMA is stronger and better with you!
With the news below come our love and prayers for you!
Yours in Christ,
Chuck and Helen Todd
WMA ministry in Mexico in June was a wonderful example that nothing stands in the way of God’s love and transforming power.
We started off with not having enough medical providers for the team, no medication to stock the clinic and an opportunity to help grow a local Christian school that we could not miss. God provided EVERYTHING through love, generosity, and obedience of our wonderful WMA family. Our medical clinic was well stock with medications and equipment and even a pharmacist. We had 7 medical professionals on the team to offer service. We helped the school with the curriculums for 3 new grades (4,5 and 6). We distributed 200 Bibles and countless Gospel tracts.
In a poor neighborhood where the most prominent feature was the statue of an idol they worshiped, where kids played in mud with no shoes, and the adults appeared desperate and hopeless, people came to see doctors and medicine but received so much more than what they expected. He children were the hungriest for the word of God they took Bibles as the most treasured prize and then came back with friends who also wanted Bibles.
This gave me so much hope for the future of Mexico! It may struggle now from corruption, idolatry, and many other vices, but the if we can capture the next generation for God, we can change its future!
Do you have a heart for the Muslim people? Is your heart stirred to help the abused women and children? WMA Mission Lebanon 2021 September 20-30 is the ministry of compassion and love.
Have you ever wondered what a refugee feels like? What experiences do they go through? Can you imagine for a moment that the world around you collapsed? You hear gunfire and bombs in the distance. Every passing hour the fighting comes closer. You and your family are frightened, there is barely enough food in the home to last the next few days. Harsh banging on the door, and a loud voice screams: “Leave now or you will not live”. You and your family flee with just the clothes you are wearing, you follow the soldiers, meet with the thousands of others who are fleeing the war. Your family is confused, frightened and tired. The uncertain promise of food, shelter and safety are your only hope. You left your entire life behind in a way you don’t understand. You don’t know if you can ever go home. Your hope dies as you see the growing number of refugees seeking the same hope as you.
I have just described to you the life stories of several million people living in Lebanon as refugees from Syria and Iraq.
In addition to all the hardships the refugees had gone through, Lebanon was deeply affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the explosion that happened in Beirut. With the borders being open, we have an incredible opportunity to take hope and help to the people who are in a desperate need.
Through medical missions, refugee support and partnership with local churches we have an unprecedented opportunity to safely share the love of Christ. Watching Muslim believers in Beirut accept Jesus as their Savior has been the highlight of our missions experience. I invite you to experience this too!
Lebanon is rich with history, Biblical history especially. Phoenician, Egyptian, Greek, Persian, Roman, Arab, Crusader, and Ottoman ruins are scattered about the country and the most important of them are easily accessible.
If you are unable to go, will you please consider helping with the outreach to the refugees. The most desperate right now are families with infants and young children. They need food for the kids, baby food, diapers, clothes, formula and other necessary items. We have estimated a $100 per family to help them with one month’s worth of supplies. Would you please consider adopting a family or 2 in this mission of love?
Please let me know if God is calling you on this mission as we have a limited number of spots on this team. I am praying that the Lord hand selects individuals to fulfill this historic mission!