“Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

Isaiah 60:1

I hope this letter finds you well. I believe you and I will agree on this – it is time for the church to rise. Observing the ongoing events in our country and having firsthand knowledge of circumstances in other nations, courtesy of serving in the Great Commission, I feel a strong resonance with Isaiah 60:1. It’s all about timing, isn’t it? There are times to endure and be patient, and then there are moments to act – to rise and to shine.

How do these words translate into actions for you and me? By standing in love, purity, compassion, and generosity, we become irresistible to the hurt, broken, lost, and the angry. By reflecting His glory, we repel darkness. Helen and I have repeatedly witnessed such transformations, even in the most oppressed corners of the world—evil regimes crumbling and hardened hearts melting in the presence of Christ’s love. I am certain you’ve experienced similar transformations in your life too. Let’s embrace the power and authority Christ has granted us and bring the world under the banner of His glory. As Isaiah 60:3 assures, nations will be drawn to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

In this newsletter, you’ll find updates from Bosnia, learn how your gifts can serve the Lord in Mexico in March, and find opportunities to make a lasting impact in Egypt.

Warm regards in Christ,

Chuck and Helen Todd

P.S. The call for the church to rise is the central theme of our 25th-anniversary Greater Purpose Conference in April 3-5, 2024. Join us to be inspired, discover service opportunities, connect with like-minded individuals, worship together, be prayed for by the people who care, and celebrate the Lord’s victories with us.

Thirty years post the devastating war, Bosnia still bears the scars. The church in Bosnia is in dire need of support. Our team, in partnership with a local church in Sarajevo, WMA team visited homes of believers and non-believers. We shared the Gospel and distributed food bags to those in need. The believers were encouraged, and non-believers graciously listened to the Good News. As a result of these home visits, several people joined the church, and more were expected to attend the following Sunday. Sarajevo Church had never done this kind of outreach before, so this partnership with WMA opened their eyes to a new opportunity to share the Gospel.

After hearing WMA team share the Gospel, a man asked for prayer. He professed to have mental health issues. He had served in the Bosnian war during the 90s and developed a stutter due to war trauma.  The WMA team prayed over him. His stutter was gone, his posture changed, and he was delivered.

The WMA team was invited to a United Nations refugee camp on the outskirts of Sarajevo. The team prepared meals for over 120 people from Afghanistan, Southeast Asia, and the victims of the earthquake in Morocco. We prayed for them, and shared the Gospel with some who were interested to know more. The refugees thanked us for making them feel encouraged and hopeful. For the first time, since they had left their homes, they felt valued and loved as individuals.

World Missions Alliance has been called to the Balkan nations since 2019. You are invited to join us on the next mission to the Balkans in July 5-15, 2024, as we take the Gospel to Macedonia in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul in July 5-15, 2024.

The economic turmoil in Egypt has left the most vulnerable in dire straits, especially refugees from Syria, Sudan, and other nations. Egypt’s currency has lost half its value since March 2022, and inflation reached 39.7 percent in August. If you have a burden to help people who are facing extreme hardships, this is a chance for you to act.

You can help the refugees who live in Egypt as illegal immigrants without the right to earn money, attend schools, access medical care and without hope for a better future. Many of them suffer from PTSD from the horrors of war in their home countries.

By supporting WMA outreach, you can put warm meals on their tables, and medications to relieve pain and sickness. Most importantly, the purpose of this outreach is to make them feel loved, cared for and hopeful about the future through Christ.

You also have a chance to brighten the lives of children with special needs, who often face rejection and stigma in Egypt due to cultural beliefs. Put smiles on their faces by supporting the program that will provide them with gifts, school supplies, books and the knowledge about Christ and His special plan for them.

Please respond promptly if you wish to join this impactful outreach in Egypt!

Remember, even if you can’t join us physically, your support will still make a significant impact in this mission.

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March 4-11, join us in Mexico to share the Gospel, conduct medical missions, plant churches, and minister to victims of abuse and domestic violence and share the Gospel with the children and the youth. Our journey will begin in Pachuca, a city rich in history and cultural diversity.

The capital city of 320,000 people in the state of Hidalgo, it was once a silver mining center during the XVIII and XIX centuries and combines Spanish influence with the English (mainly Cornish) and some other European influences. It is a unique city with lots of natural beauty and history.

You will partner with local churches and a Christian school to reach the most underprivileged segments of the population, be a part of planting new churches, and win and influence of Christ the “next generation” of Mexico.

On the day of sightseeing, you will explore exquisite Real del Monte, an old English mining village in the mountains that was recently awarded a Pueblo Magico status as one of the most beautiful towns in Mexico.

Even though the team is filling up fast, we still need people with the following gifts and talents: preachers, evangelists, those who are called to children, youth ministry and women’s ministry, prayer warriors, musicians and people called to counseling and grief ministry.

Please let us know ASAP if you plan to join or need more information.

We’ve got something incredible lined up for you that you won’t want to miss! You are invited to the 2024 Greater Purpose Conference in beautiful Branson, MO from April 3rd to 5th. And guess what? This year marks our 25th anniversary of fulfilling the Great Commission together! Can you believe it?

We have planned 3 unforgettable days filled with worship, learning, and fellowship, all in the company of an amazing community who, just like you, are on a quest to discover God’s purpose for their lives. Whether it’s about hearing God’s direction, meeting new friends or receiving guidance on how to fulfill your calling – these 3 days will deeply impact your life!

Get ready to strengthen your faith, elevate your joy, and gain a deeper revelation of why you were born for “such a time as this”! It’s like a personal invitation for an intimate encounter with the Master Himself. 

In honor of our 25th anniversary you are invited to a “Welcome Reception” before the first session and the Lake Cruise for the final session on the beautiful Table Rock Lake (included in the registration fee). Check out below the conference schedule and other exciting events, including a mission trip giveaway.

We are genuinely thrilled to have the opportunity to host you. So, mark those dates on your calendar and get ready for a life-changing event that will leave you inspired, empowered, and ready to make a difference for Jesus.

Register Now

Mission Trip Schedule