Greater Purpose Podcast Series
God created each one of us for a greater purpose that fills life with deep fulfillment. Building life around this greater purpose is what makes us thrive.
In preparation for the Greater Purpose Conference we have launched a new podcast series interviewing some of the members of the World Missions Alliance family who are pursuing their greater purpose in different ways. These are real stories of real people who seek and struggle, some have found their purpose, while others are still in pursuit. You will find the episodes below.
On this episode of Limitless Spirit, pastor David Domina shares how God gave Him a vision and experience of hell that led him to Christ and ultimately to finding his true calling.
David took a while to figure out what he was supposed to do with his life. He first studied psychology in college before switching to journalism. But after getting married and realizing he needed something more lucrative to support his family, he started a successful construction business. But then, God made it clear to David that He was calling him to build lives rather than buildings.
He has been leading a thriving church in Rochester, New York and considers himself a missionary to America. At the same time, he remains open to what God has for him next and believes that God doesn’t have one perfect plan for His children and gives us a free choice.
3:08 – Why David was a “problem kid” and sought his identity outside of the church
6:46 – A vision of hell, where David was heading, shook up his entire life
11:46 – The indirect route David took to becoming a full-time pastor
17:27 – The difference between occupation and calling, when it comes to “greater purpose”
19:22 – Why David wrestled with the call to being a pastor, including his fear of public speaking
21:39 – Rising crime in Rochester, NY, where David preaches and how he and other Christians can respond to a world filled with hatred and evil
25:47 – David’s openness to continue following God, even if he’s called away from being a pastor
27:04 – Being a missionary to America
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Kenna Cowart faced her toughest physical and spiritual challenges the same year she became serious about her faith. She was only 13 at the time, and her parents had just gone through a traumatic divorce. Kenna was diagnosed with rare heart condition that led to depression, anxiety and an eating disorder. Additionally she became addicted to pornography.
In spite of all this she found out that in her darkest moment she felt God’s presence and love. Kenna has learned that physical healing and freedom from addiction are possible. Sometimes they occur instantly. As a registered nurse and a missionary she finds no greater joy than to share this message with others.
As we prepare to celebrate resurrection of Christ, this episode is about the power and healing abilities of God’s son, who rose from the dead to give us new life.
2:44 – Kenna’s first encounters with Jesus and healing… but not experiencing the love of God from her parents
6:22 – The immense challenges Kenna had to go through after becoming a Christian, including her parent’s bitter divorce and her own health issues
9:38 – Developing an eating disorder and pornography addiction, and being set free from those things through Jesus eventually
17:03 – Kenna’s calling to medical missions
19:02 – God uses Kenna’s story in Serbia and heals a cancer patient through her prayer
22:52 – How doing 12 missions trips in the past decade has changed Kenna’s life and relationship with God
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“I knew church. I knew the motions to go through… but I didn’t know Jesus.”
Eric Scott was a stereotypical, rebellious pastor’s kid who looked good on the outside. On the inside, he was searching for his own identity separate from his parent’s faith and work. That led him to make some poor decisions in college that led him to a breaking point.
But God used everything Eric went through to bring him into a relationship with Christ. Eric finally began to understand the meaning of grace and mercy, and he entered into a journey of discovering God’s love.
After getting married, starting a family, and doing ministry work years later, Eric had to go through another journey of discovery. This time, God needed to teach him that the love of Jesus was not dependent on his performance.
As the Associate Director of Campus Ministry at The King’s University in Texas, Eric now spends a lot of his time teaching the next generation the hard lessons that God showed him. He’s got plenty of good insight to share about his life, and some powerful words of wisdom about Gen Z that you won’t want to miss in this episode.
2:36 – Eric talks about being the stereotypical rebellious “preacher’s kid” and discusses how a lack of personal identity can lead children to rebel against their parent’s faith
6:49 – Eric’s parents shoot down his idea about being involved with basketball at a state university, so he goes to Bible college instead
9:03 – Struggling with substance addiction and theft while he was in college, Eric eventually begins a real relationship with Jesus
13:50 – Coming to a true understanding of God’s grace and mercy
16:46 – Eric explains why in 2013, he realized he was an “unbelieving believer” who knew the Gospel but not the grace of Christ
21:40 – The journey with Jesus is becoming and knowing who we are in light of who Jesus is
26:29 – Eric’s powerful perspective on Gen Z and how God can use them to change the world for Him
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The father of seven children, Pastor Dave Dolan has been through a long journey of raising a child with special needs that doctors said wouldn’t even live past a year old. He and his wife Debra have seen how faith and the right perspective can have a powerful impact on the outcome in the journey of their youngest daughter, whose name is Faith.
Dave says our struggles and brokenness are often the places where God points us towards our greater purpose. He’s also passionate about mentoring people in their journey in pursuit of a greater purpose.
On this episode of Limitless Spirit, Dave will share his personal testimony and what he thinks about the perspective the year 2020 has given him concerning the core mission of the church in the “new normal”.
2:40 – How a song led Dave Dolan to a relationship with Jesus and introduced him to his future wife
4:45 – Dave’s 40 years of being a pastor in rural Illinois in a predominantly Amish community
8:32 – Dave’s youngest daughter Faith was born with severe health challenges
11:33 – “Sometimes the pathway to greater purpose is born through a crisis in your life and when God is invited into that crisis, he shifts your influence.”
12:28 – How Faith has helped Dave and his wife Deb grow in their faith in Christ
16:45 – Dave’s advice for people who are unsure of their greater purpose in life
19:46 – How do you hold onto hope in crisis?
22:24 – The importance of having good mentors
24:54 – Dave’s takeaways and observations from everything that happened in 2020 and what is the function of the church today
Would you like know more about how you can connect with your greater purpose? After you listen to this episode, go to our website: and find out how World Missions Alliance can help you connect to your greater purpose. Find out more about the Greater Purpose Conference:
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“Never forget: the Gospel changes people’s lives, wherever you are.”
Marty MacDonald is a pastor in western New York. At age 65, he’s seen God do some incredible things throughout his ministry career. But Marty’s still expecting that his greater purpose is still to come.
From overcoming an abusive home situation, to starting a house church with really no formal plan, to traveling around the world doing missions work, Marty’s life is a testimony of the faithfulness, love, and power of Jesus Christ. We’re happy to have Marty as our guest on this episode of Limitless Spirit, and hope you’ll be encouraged by the stories he’s going to share.
4:18 – Growing up in western New York area with an alcoholic, abusive father and losing two siblings
7:49 – Marty’s life turns around after his girlfriend’s dad made him go to church and he gave his heart to Christ after hearing an evangelist give an altar call
10:45 – How Marty started the journey to become “Pastor Marty,” including working at various ministries and starting a successful house church
14:27 – Marty gives glory to God for his life story
15:30 – “I don’t think I’ve yet touched my greatest purpose” and why Marty knows God still has amazing things ahead in his life
20:11 – Marty talks about being called to get involved with missions work
23:38 – Street evangelism in France
26:11 – The importance of unity and connection at a time when division and COVID-19 is keeping Christians divided and separated
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Your past doesn’t define you. Your pain has a purpose. Your story matters.
Those of are some of the things that Kelly Butner learned after she came to know Christ
after a traumatic childhood. Kelly felt broken, but on a mission trip to Romania a few
years ago, she felt God healing her as she publicly shared her testimony for the first
Kelly discovered that she had a voice – and that her voice was powerful because God
was using it. She also discovered her passion for sharing the Gospel around the world
on mission trips. She’ll share all about doing that, plus the important distinction between
believing in God and actually following Him, on this episode of Limitless Spirit.
5:35 – Growing up in church, but experiencing hurts, family dysfunction, and
7:25 – During a very hard time, the Holy Spirit started helping Kelly process some
difficult childhood memories, a key step on her journey to healing
11:16 – On her first ever mission trip to Romania, Kelly publicly shares her story for the
first time
15:26 – Highlight from a trip to Buenos Aires
17:50 – Figuring out how to do missions as a mom of three young boys and facing fear
and self-doubt before every trip
20:52 – Kelly says she is “absolutely” a different person who has found her greater
purpose and understands more about the way God way her through doing missions
23:50 – Going on a mission trip with her husband and how they’re more connected now
26:51 – “I’m just hungry to see what He’s (God’s) doing” and some closing thoughts
about connecting with WMA
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Psalm 92 says the righteous flourish like a tree and still bear fruit in their old age. Lowell Glidden, the guest on this episode, living this verse out in his life.
For years, Lowell has been faithfully serving God and bearing fruit, whether it was during his time in the military, in his marriage and family, or his ministry efforts. Even though he’s in his late 80s, Lowell continues to trust God and obey His calling to tell people about Jesus even if it means traveling half across the world to remote places.
Lowell will share some stories about his wife, Alice, and the bittersweet circumstances of her passing, plus memories of his time spent doing foreign missions on this episode of Limitless Spirit. Lowell’s greater purpose can be summed up in this simple statement: “I just like people, and I’m glad to serve.”
3:44 – The timeline of Lowell’s Army service and memories of his late wife, Alice
6:37 – How to stay happily married for 60 years, according to Lowell
9:17 – Lowell’s first mission trip in 1995 to Russia fulfilled a dream he had 30 years prior
10:38 – Lowell’s shares why he never viewed the Russian people as his enemies
14:10 – How God confirmed to Lowell the perfect timing
16:19 – The challenges of caring for Alice as she became debilitated by Parkinson’s Disease
19:23 – Lowell shares a special God-moment that happened in the last moments of Alice’s life
22:08 – What drives Lowell to continue missionary work on the verge of turning 90
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Every child needs to be loved and to know what love is. Unfortunately, JoAnn Wolfe didn’t grow up that way. Her parents were too broken themselves to give her proper love and nurture.
JoAnn’s first experience with church at the age of fifteen wasn’t positive either. After having to practically raise herself she felt like church was all about rules and “do’s” and “don’t’s”. It wasn’t until later in life JoAnn read a certain verse in the Bible that revealed to her God as the loving father she had never had. From that point on her life began to change, and more recently she has discovered her greater purpose through medical missions and also sharing with other the love she once thought was never meant for her.
On this episode of Limitless Spirit, JoAnn will share her powerful testimony and some of her God-ordained experiences on the mission field. This is the latest installment of our “Greater Purpose” series.
3:20 – JoAnn’s childhood was filled with issues and “no stability or home life”
6:26 – JoAnn is abused by her stepfather and then eventually meets her real father and starts to live with him and his new family
9:14 – Experience going to church and the seed of “something better” is sown… but it wasn’t focused on the love of God
13:03 – JoAnn’s life is changed by a verse that made God’s love real to her
15:59 – The desire for missions work and giving love to others begins to grow in JoAnn’s heart
19:54 – How God used JoAnn’s knowledge as a nurse and her painful past to touch lives in Serbia and Thailand
24:54 – How JoAnn’s life has changed as she’s found her greater purpose in doing missions work
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Pride… Control… Not respecting the leadership…
These are the things that led Jason Raine to walk away from God after he had a bad experience during a mission trip in high school. Looking to find his true identity Jason threw himself into building a successful career. But the same issues that caused him to leave church created a conflict at work that almost cost him his job.
After a tough conversation with his boss and a forced leave, Jason did some soul searching. He realized he had to make big changes in his life. Step one was developing a real, authentic relationship with Jesus. He got plugged into a church and serving in youth ministry and technical support.
The Covid -19 pandemic threatened to take away everything that Jason valued due to the strict lockdowns in California. Instead, God led Jason into a new circle of friends and through them on a lifechanging mission trip to Serbia where he experienced a big miracle and felt guided in the direction of his true calling..
3:43 – Jason felt betrayed by his youth pastor on a mission trip
5:11 – “I walked away from God”
6:46 – Jason pursues a career but has a conflict with his boss over his attitude and work ethic
9:11 – Jason’s boss gives him some tough love and Jason realizes he’s been in the wrong, which led him back to God
13:06 – Downloading TikTok and getting connected to WMA leads to him going to Serbia on a mission trip
19:34 – “Serbia was the trip of a lifetime.” Jason shares how God showed him he was supposed to be there as he helped out with the church’s tech equipment and prayed for a man who had cancer and was later found to be cancer-free
28:11 – Jason’s greater purpose and what’s next for his life
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“That saved my life. I mean, me being laid off saved my life.”
From losing her job to finding her greater purpose, Ellen Yao knows that God has been at work in her life. After immigrating from South Korea and growing up in church, surrounded by Christian friends and family, Ellen tried to find her own way and identity as a young adult. But everything she tried, from partying to climbing the corporate ladder, left her feeling empty inside.
That prompted a desperate prayer from Ellen, asking God to show up and prove He was real. And He did, in a way that Ellen never could have expected. After being laid off, she gave her life to Jesus, went back to school, met her husband, and found herself on an adventure of a lifetime, her very first trip, to Iraq in the middle of war with ISIS. This is an incredible experience you’ll have to hear to believe.
2:45 – Ellen’s family immigrates to the US from South Korea and converts to Christianity
6:43 – In college Ellen drifted away from church in pursuit of her own identity and worldview
10:45 – Ellen gets into “ricing” cars and partying, and then climbs the “corporate ladder” and pursues “stable life”
12:51 – Ellen’s prayer for God to show up leads to several huge changes in her life
19:18 – During the war with ISIS in Iraq Ellen feels called by God to go there
22:43 – Memories of going to Iraq and the launch of her new “life of purpose”
29:31 –Ellen’s greater purpose in this season
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On this episode of the Limitless Spirit podcast, you’ll hear DeAnna Moore’s story.
In her young adulthood she struggled with mental illness, alcoholism, and the tragic consequences of the lifestyle that went along with substance abuse. Only later in life she found out that her father was not the man who raised her and that she was subject to sever abuse as an infant due to generational sins and secrets in her family.
But it wasn’t God’s plan for DeAnna to be stuck in her misery forever. He directed her through series of encounters to get involved with AA and set her on the path to become a nurse. More importantly, Jesus Christ began to heal DeAnna once she began a relationship with Him. Then, she found her greater purpose in life – to serve God as a medical missionary.
3:21 – DeAnna’s childhood struggles with her family and mental health
7:20 – Trying and “failing miserably, over and over again” to get through life on her own strength leads DeAnna to terrible addiction and patterns of abuse
8:39 – Because of all she went through, DeAnna finds Christ but continues to battle her sinful nature
11:02 – Getting diagnosed as an alcoholic, going to AA, beginning to turn her life around
14:28 – DeAnna’s path to becoming a nurse, finding her biological father, facing the generational sins of her family, and marrying her “true love”
21:29 – The origins of DeAnna’s missionary focus and stories from her journeys
25:55 – How her life has changed and how she’s found her greater purpose
Would you like know more about how you can connect with your greater purpose? After you listen to DeAnna’s testimony, go to our website: and find out how World Missions Alliance can help you connect to your greater purpose. Find out more about the Greater Purpose Conference:
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Marijuana was his idol … Using it was his source of joy, dealing it was the source of income. He enjoyed this lifestyle until he encountered someone.
Paul Amendola spent 25 years using and dealing marijuana. But when a “Christian junkie” friend brought him to church something changed in his heart. After accepting Jesus Paul didn’t know how to quite the lifestyle he has become so used to. He asked God for help. After his house was broken in to and his marijuana stolen twice, Paul says God caught his attention.
After giving up a drug-centered life, Paul turned to serving God and telling others about Jesus. He has experienced a miraculous encounter in Nepal that showed Him that God had a greater purpose for him. Paul will share why dealing hope, not drugs, has become the greater purpose in his life on this episode of Limitless Spirit.
4:36 – Paul’s childhood and growing up in a large Italian household
7:37 – Drugs ruled Paul’s life and more about his experiences with marijuana
10:44 – Paul meets a “Christian junkie” who brought him to church, and soon after Paul gave his life to Christ
13:27 – Paul realizes he needs God’s help to get out of the drug dealing business and out of his addiction
18:34 – Getting involved at church and first feeling the call to go into missions
22:55 – Paul experiences a miracle in Nepal
26:39 – Leading a man to Christ at the Pyramids in Egypt
29:05 – Paul’s greater purpose in life
Would you like know more about how you can connect with your greater purpose? After you listen to Paul’s testimony, go to our website: and find out how World Missions Alliance can help you connect to your greater purpose. Find out more about the Greater Purpose Conference:
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Is it possible to love God more after He has seemingly failed to protect you?
Katrina Griffin lived through an experience that could simply be described as “every woman’s worst nightmare.” After a man sexually assaulted her in her 20s, the police falsely accused Katrina of making it all up. Those traumatic experiences made her very angry at God in the weeks, months and years that followed.
However, today Katrina says she is more in love with God and more confident in God’s goodness than before she went through all of those terrible things. She’ll tell us why on this episode of Limitless Spirit as she walks through her journey of healing, rebuilding her relationship with God, forgiving her attacker, the police and finding a greater purpose for her life.
2:22 – Difficulties in childhood including being bullied, hating herself, struggling with her identity, and rebelling against her parents
7:55 – How Katrina came to know Jesus and how that changed her life
10:03 – Katrina’s difficult story of being raped just outside her apartment
14:15 – The police’s infuriating response to Katrina reporting her rape
17:00 – Katrina talks about her anger, hatred, and unforgiveness and how she finds a breakthrough
19:55 – Reflections from being on the other side of this tragedy and God has healed and changed Katrina for the better
22:34 – Katrina describes a miraculous healing during her recent medical mission trip
25:15 – Katrina’s greater purpose is interconnected with her story
Would you like know more about how you can connect with your greater purpose? After you listen to Katrina’s testimony, go to our website: and find out how World Missions Alliance can help you connect to your greater purpose. Find out more about the Greater Purpose Conference:
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In this last episode of Season 1 the host Helen Todd looks back at the year 2020 and shares four observations that she believes equip us for a great year 2021.
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“I can’t do this… I can’t go through with this baptism.”
That’s what Carrie Ann Lewis told her boyfriend just days before her baptism into the Mormon church. She’d been having strange but meaningful dreams about her dad, a strong Christian who’d passed away years earlier, and that made her second guess the religious path she was on.
From that moment on, Carrie Ann’s life was never the same. She broke up with her boyfriend and left the Mormon church. She also began a journey to find the truth about God, and share His love with the hurting people. She has a massive social media outreach where she shares daily devotionals and more recently has discovered a calling to overseas missions.
Today, she’s living out her greater purpose of loving people like Christ and following His calling to the Great Commission. She’ll share more about it on this episode of Limitless Spirit.
2:50 – The influence of Carrie Ann’s dad on her faith and life, and his early death from cancer
6:02 – Carrie Ann’s experiences with Mormonism
11:20 – Carrie Ann begins to have dreams about her dad in the days leading up to her Mormon baptism and starts to rethink if she was doing the right thing
13:44 – The beginning of her relationship with Jesus and transformation of her life
17:37 – How Carrie Ann began a ministry on social media during the pandemic
21:19 – Carrie Ann’s unusual call to missions
27:05 – Carrie Ann’s first experience of sharing her story and witnessing miracles in Serbia
31:20 – Why Carrie Ann believes her greater purpose in life is to love people like Jesus did
Would you like know more about how you can find your greater purpose? After you listen to CarrieAnn’s testimony, go to our website: and find out how World Missions Alliance can help you connect to your greater purpose. Find out more about the Greater Purpose Conference:
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Nate Allen grew up in a Christian home and said the sinner’s prayer when he was five years old. He went to Bible college and worked as a youth pastor. But Nate did not personally know Jesus… until he met Him in a bar.
Nate had drifted from God after his son was born stillborn, his marriage broke up, and he began living a party lifestyle. And when Nate hit rock bottom, Jesus was right there to show him a different way. After discovering the intimacy with Christ, Nate has been transformed and is now living out his greater purpose: to follow Christ and pursuing his long-lost dream. He shares his encouraging story on this episode of Limitless Spirit.
3:08 – Nate’s church background and “accidental” salvation story
7:30 – His life is torn between desire to please his family and desire to taste sin
10:30 – Nate tries to fill the void in his life with material things
12:50 – While having a beer at a bar Nate is asked a question “do you know who Jesus is?”
15:10 – Nate witnesses to a town drunk but realizes he lacks the intimate knowledge of who Christ is
17:57 – Nate’s life begins to change, and his long-lost dream is revived
22:24 – God performs a healing miracle through Nate’s prayer
24:45 – What is Nate’s greater purpose in life? And how has he changed now that he’s truly a child of God?
Would you like know more about how you can find your greater purpose? After you listen to Nate’s testimony, go to our website: and find out how World Missions Alliance can help you connect to your greater purpose. Find out more about the Greater Purpose Conference:
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Grief is a natural way of confronting loss unless a person becomes stuck in it.
This is exactly what happened to Melinda Fazzolari when her son, Louie, died from cancer before his second birthday. For almost 25 years, Melinda’s life was deeply affected by a sorrow she could not shake. She finally settled for a life without joy or hope. But God never left Melinda and through a series of small events and encounters helped her find healing and a new purpose for her life.
Melinda shares her beautiful story on this episode of the Limitless Spirit podcast. This is the fifth episode in our “Greater Purpose” series.
3:05 – Melinda shares the painful story of her son Louie’s cancer and death
6:13 – Grief entrapped Melinda because of an insensitive remark of a church member and left an impact on her family
10:40 – Melinda’s healing journey begins, years after Louie’s death
15:35 – Melinda thanks God for Louie’s life… and death
16:50 – God uses Melinda’s story in her missionary travels
19:15 – Divine encounter in Ireland
23:06 –How to handle the holidays if you are grieving
25:00 – Melinda talks about the importance of being honest with God, even if you feel angry or hurt
Would you like know more about how you can find your greater purpose? After you listen to Josepha’s testimony, go to our website: and find out how World Missions Alliance can help you connect to your greater purpose. Find out more about the Greater Purpose Conference:
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On the fourth episode in the “Greater Purpose” series, Sheila Ruffin shares how she began a whole new life in Christ after healing from childhood trauma.
Even after accepting Christ as a Savior, Sheila struggled with addictions and depression for years until God led her on a journey to discover what was broken inside of her. The pain of losing her father in the Vietnam War, losing her mother to mental illness, and being molested by relatives was almost too much to bear. But when Sheila allowed Jesus to heal her, she discovered her greater purpose in life
Sheila reveals what it took to heal the brokenness and depression. She shares how while dealing with the challenges of menopause she started a new life, and why today she feels so happy and alive on this episode of Limitless Spirit.
3:36 – Sheila talks about her painful childhood, including her father’s death and mother’s mental illness
7:21 – Sexual abuse and trauma caused her to run away, then she met her future husband
9:40 – Sheila’s relationship with Jesus started at a tent revival
12:50 – Jesus helped Sheila overcome her addiction to porn, but she still struggled with fear and depression
17:12 – Sheila’s true healing journey begins
19:50 – How Sheila’s “new life” of missions work first began / hearing the call to go to Iraq
24:57 – Sheila shares why her new life brought her true happiness and how God is using her past to help others
Would you like know more about how you can find your greater purpose? After you listen to Josepha’s testimony, go to our website: and find out how World Missions Alliance can help you connect to your greater purpose. Find out more about the Greater Purpose Conference:
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Josepha Mbouma’s family came to the United States from Cameroon with God’s divine help. Though Josepha grew up in a Christian home, the most important thing in her life was always basketball. She had dreams of being a star athlete and achieved the impressive feat of being an NCAA Division 1 basketball player. But the highs and lows of being a college athlete led Josepha to question God and his plans for her life. And today she is thankful that happened because it reshaped her relationship with Christ.
Now out of college, Josepha works for national Community Church in Washington DC and coaches a high school basketball team. She is living out her greater purpose by pouring into the lives of young women around her. Josepha’s sharing her story on this episode of Limitless Spirit. This is the third episode in our “Greater Purpose” series.
2:44 – Coming to the USA and her love of basketball
6:05 – How she became a player on a Division 1 basketball team at Elon University
8:40 – Being on a college team didn’t turn out exactly how she was picturing
11:40 – Processing her identity and greater purpose, on and off the basketball court
13:30 – Going back to visit Cameroon and growing in her relationship with God
15:30 – Seeing how God works and how He’s using her to help other people through missions work, mentoring, and coaching
20:55 – Learning that life is a daily surrender of control and our will to God’s control and God’s will
21:21 – What Josepha thinks a greater purpose in life is
Would you like know more about how you can find your greater purpose? After you listen to Josepha’s testimony, go to our website: and find out how World Missions Alliance can help you connect to your greater purpose. Find out more about the Greater Purpose Conference:
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God calls each of His children to be generous, good stewards of the things He’s given us.
In the second episode of “The Greater Purpose Series,” entrepreneur and businessman Barry Marks shares an amazing story of how he saw God working when he went to Lake Charles, Louisiana to give away $100,000 in cash to people who had been devastated by Hurricane Laura.
Now, it wasn’t Barry’s money. But he was still blown away at how he was able to bless other people through a simple act of giving them a $100 bill and praying for them. Barry was also able to lead a young man named Damian to Christ. Since the trip, Barry has been processing how God is calling him to hold his money, time and talents loosely and with the heart of a steward. He also knows more about his greater purpose in life: to help others.
Would you like know more about how you can find your greater purpose? After you listen to this episode, go to our website:
2:55 – Barry talks about why he doesn’t want to work himself
5:30 – Why making time for others and their needs is the key to fulfillment
6:25 – The origins of the idea of giving away $100,000 to 1,000 families affected by Hurricane Laura
12:00 – The stories of blessings – Antonio and Damian
16:50 – Barry reflects on being a steward and seeing God multiply His blessing to people beyond just receiving a $100 bill
18:25 – How this experience has changed Barry’s life and his outlook on money, time, and stewardship
21:25 – The connection between missionary work overseas and at home
Would you like know more about how you can find your greater purpose? After you listen to Barry’s testimony, go to our website: and find out how World Missions Alliance can help you connect to your greater purpose. Find out more about the Greater Purpose Conference:
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WMA is 501(c)(3), donations are tax deductible
God created each one of us for a greater purpose that fills life with deep fulfillment. Building life around this greater purpose is what makes us thrive.
In this first episode of a new series on Limitless Spirit called “The Greater Purpose Series,” law enforcement officer and missionary Debra Yokley shares her story of pursuing her greater purpose after she discovered she could not have children.
After 3 failed pregnancies in her early 30s she asked God what His plan for her life was.
God’s guidance took her along an unexpected path on the journey of discovering her true self.
3:30 – Debra seeks God’s purpose for her life and starts a law enforcement career
5:50 – The difficulties and rewarding moments of being in law enforcement
11:30 – How Debra felt called to go into missionary work
14:00 – Debra talks about her experiences sharing Jesus in the world’s “hot spots”
20:05 – How doing missions work has changed Debra
21:45 – How to find fulfillment in life’s different seasons
24:20 – Has Debra found her greater purpose in life?
Would you like know more about how you can find your greater purpose? After you listen to Debra’s testimony, go to our website: and find out how World Missions Alliance can help you connect to your greater purpose. Find out more about the Greater Purpose Conference:
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Email us your questions and comments at [email protected]
WMA is 501(c)(3), donations are tax deductible