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Chantel, Missouri:
After much prayer and confirmation, I knew that God was calling me to Indonesia on my next missions trip. I won second place for Project Timothy, providing me with a $600 scholarship towards my land portion. Within the matter of only a few months, God provided every single penny for this trip. I knew that God had great plans for me in Bali, but little did I know that I would significantly grow in my relationship with Christ.
When we arrived in Bali, I found myself in the midst of an incredible team. Everyone’s gifts were utilized in the most perfect way and I could see the hearts of the Balinese people being touched. Within the orphanages we played games, prayed for kids, and shared our testimonies with them. We also had people sing, preach, and share testimonies during the church services we attended.
There were many times where I had the opportunity to pray over people and just show them the love of Jesus. I found that through this, I become much more bold in my walk with Christ. Before Indonesia, I still pictured my relationship with Christ to be young and new. However, through serving in Bali, God showed me that He was ready to take me to the next level in my walk with Him.
This was WMA’s first time in Bali and I can see God bringing a revival to this island. The people in Bali are hungry to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and I feel so blessed to be able to experience it. I went on this trip to be used by God to change lives, and through this, God also changed my life!
Rylan Hill (21):
My time in Ireland was absolutely amazing. When I first got accepted to go on the trip I was really excited, but I was also very scared. I was excited because I was going to get to meet new people, experience another culture, and share the gospel with others, which led into one of my fears. My fear was based on the fact that I had never shared the gospel through a street ministry before. I was definitively pushed out of my comfort zone, which God used to grow me so much closer to Him and show me how to reach out to others about Him. Working with the church in Cork was great and I have lasting friends because of it! The Irish countryside and culture also showed a beauty that I did not imagine. God certainly is loving, and that love is being spread in Ireland through this mission. Thank the Lord!
Ethan Lane (21):
Because this trip to Ireland was my first mission trip I had ever been on, I went into it not knowing what to expect. Street ministry at first was intimidating and out of my comfort zone. We would just approach people who were hanging out in the streets and start conversations with them about the Gospel or their faith, or invite them to Cork Church. The more I talked to people about Jesus, the easier it got. I came to this realization that my fear to talk to a stranger about my faith was a weapon that the devil was using against me. Pastor Patrick, the youth pastor at Cork Church gave me some of the most relieving advice when I asked him about how to effectively evangelize on the streets. His response was, “Enjoy yourself, and listen to the people you meet.” He told me “We as a church are placing no expectation on you to save people, God is placing no expectation on you to save people, that’s God’s job.” He told me a quote by an evangelist who was asked “How many people did you lead to Christ in your lifetime?” His response was, “I led them all to Christ; it’s their business what they did there.” Once I understood that the people’s salvation was not in my hands, but God’s, it became much more freeing and I was excited to share the simplicity of the Gospel with people. Many people heard the Gospel that week, and my prayer is that God works and transforms the hearts that heard.
Brian Smith (19):
“I have known WMA since I was little, and just recently went with them to Ireland and it was amazing. God did a lot while we were there! Having one on one conversations with people in the streets played a big role for me!”
Mason Kohler (19):
“It’s so hard for me to even know where to start, because God did SO MUCH on the Ireland trip. But to summarize, I will use the word that He keeps bringing to my attention, and that word is freedom. Freedom from the bondages of depression, suicidal thoughts, unforgiveness, perfectionism, self-hatred, pride, worry, and self-sufficiency. These are just some of the many chains God broke in people’s lives on this 10-day trip. Not only am I talking about the Irish people, but also many on our team. I know that all 50 of us were going expecting to give of ourselves and see others’ lives changed, but in reality, God poured so much of Himself into us and changed our lives. I’m not even sure how many other people’s lives He touched that week, and what all He did in them, but I know He rocked MY world. And I don’t say that to sound like I don’t care about who’s lives He changed, because I do. And I know He did do a great work there. If nothing else, He planted seeds, and that’s enough! But looking back on this trip, I see that God wanted to show me that He had more to give me than I do to give others. He even used Kristy one night to relay this message. As she was speaking to and praying for me after one of the night services, she said (and I paraphrase), “You are not great. Nothing you possess in and of yourself is great. YOU cannot save people. You voice cannot save people. But God wants to use you. So let Him use you! But stop trying to do it on your own. And stop having your own expectations of what God wants to do in and through you. Those plans only hinder the work you allow Him to do. Because, quite frankly, you have no idea what God wants to do! His plans far exceed your greatest expectations.” That night God definitely put me in my place by reminding me that HE does the work and I am only an instrument. He wanted me to stop trying to “be great;” stop trying to use my skills and talents to save people. It is God who heals, delivers, and ultimately, transforms. I needed to remember that He chooses the path and I simply follow. That night He broke the bondage of self-sufficiency in my life.
To be honest, that is only the beginning of the work He started in my life that week! But I would be sitting here writing all day if I tried to relay every word, every message He spoke to me. So to cut it short, I will simply say that His desire for freedom in our lives continues! Especially in my home church. As soon as I got back from the trip (even a little before), God laid it so heavy on my heart. I believe He is specifically wanting to bring more freedom into our worship there. And I know He has helped grow my freedom in worship so I can be an example. But I will not try to do it on my own! I have learned my lesson. ?I am simply ready to be used as He leads me. I can’t wait to see more freedom experienced for the people I know and love, even here in Pennsylvania, United States.”
Rubyann Horbasenkos (18):
“Hi, my name is Ruby, I was privileged to be a part of WMA’s Ireland trip. The part I most enjoyed was the street ministry getting one on one with people and sharing the gospel , as well as sharing our testimonies on the the street. Also being able to interact with people of all ages . I dearly enjoyed the older people on our team as it was quite the variety of nationality , and age. I hope to participate in upcoming trips with WMA , specifically Ireland . Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the team.”