JULY 23-30, 2020

Medical Missions
Project Timothy
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Medical Missions
Project Timothy
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The Lord gave us the vision the Balkan Peninsula in a dream in January of 2019.  Since the early 19th century this region has been disturbed by wars and political conflicts to the point that the term “the Balkans” was ascribed negative meaning.  Today this region is referred to as Southeast Europe.  Serbia is the first country in this region where the Lord opened the door and our first mission there revealed the warmth of the people, beauty of the land and the very desperate need for spiritual and emotional healing.

In addition to its own economic problems, Serbia in the recent year has also become a hub for the refugees who flee the oppressive regimes of their home countries.  They live as undocumented illegal immigrants in abandoned buildings and streets.

One of the big issues in Serbia among all ages is drug addiction.

We will partner with a church in Novi Sad, a beautiful city on the banks of Danube River.  Novi Sad has a population of about quarter of million people.  Its name means “new garden” and it is considered the spiritual capital of Serbia.  Only one percent of the population in Serbia are evangelical Christians.

Our partner church is the largest church in Serbia. It meets the spiritual needs of the people and helps address physical needs and issues in the community by operating a drug rehabilitation center for herion addicts and an outreach for the homeless. 

The senior pastor had experienced struggles with alcohol and depression as a teenager and received Christ through a Gospel tract handed to him by a friend.  He has a vision for creative methods of evangelism and encourages      incorporating art and other visual ways of communicating the Gospel message.

We will partner with this church in evangelism, minister to the patients in the rehab and the homeless, conduct youth outreach, intercessory prayer and distribution of Bibles and Gospel tracts.

We will also host a free medical clinic for the poorest of the poor, the Roma communities and for the refugees.  If you are a medical professional or are willing to help the clinic as a volunteer, this is a great tool in our evangelistic outreach as well as a huge blessing for very desperate people.

Do you have a heart for the broken people?  Are you passionate about evangelism?  Is intercessory prayer one of your strong ministry callings?  Do you feel called to be a part of God’s plan for Eastern Europe?

We need you on this mission! 


  • In the recent months several world leaders have visited Serbia, including the Russian president Putin. President Trump’s visit is pending soon. While it is not certain why the political attention is focused right on this small nation, it is an important place in the Lord’s final harvest.
  • Novi Sad, a beautiful city on the banks of Danube river, has the population of about quarter of a million people. Its name means “new garden” and it is considered the spiritual capital of Serbia. Only one percent of the population in Serbia are evangelical Christians.
  • Novi Sad became a city in 1694 when it transitioned from a German military fortress into a colony of Serb merchants. In antiquity, the region was inhabited by Celtic tribes. They were present in the area since the 4th century BC and founded the first fortress on the right bank of the Danube. In the 1st century BC, the region was conquered by the Romans. During Roman rule, a larger fortress was built in the 1st century, with the name Cusum, and was included in the Roman province of Pannonia.


  • Serbian people are in need of a personal relationship with Christ.
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