The day for building your walls will come, the day for extending your boundaries. Micah 7:11
The last few months have taught us much about waiting – waiting on normalcy of life, waiting on making plans for the future and waiting on God’s favor to bring resolution to many painful issues in our country and around the world. More than ever it is clear that there is nothing else that we can put our hope in except God’s promises. The time of waiting however is not a wasted time and is not a passive time. It is a time of preparation and growth. In Micah 7 in the midst of great depravity and absence of faithfulness, in the midst of hardships and trouble there is a promise of the time coming when the new walls will be built and the borders expanded. This is a challenge to use the time of waiting as a preparation for growth.
While the borders to many nations are still closed, that harvest in the nations is richer than ever. The reports we receive from our partners around the world tell that in the midst of struggles and challenges people are seeking God and His love. With hope in His promise of every nation hearing the Gospel, we are gearing for growth! Our first missions team since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic is heading to Macedonia in a week! Financial help has been sent to Moldova, Serbia, Egypt and Nepal to meet the most immediate needs of those who are truly desperate.
We are preparing to expand our presence in the United States and the new nations – because we believe that the harvest of the next few years will be greater than we have ever experienced before!
We are planning 2 trips to Mexico in June and December 2021 and will partner with churches in the suburbs of Mexico City. Our evangelistic outreaches will target youth and children as well as the poor communities that are in desperate need of help and salvation. The Lord connected us with wonderful partners whose vision for evangelism is aligned with ours. The main church Iglesia De Cristo in a poor suburb of Mexico City is reaching a community of 170,00 people. This multigenerational congregation led by Pastor Fernando has been highly active and creative in helping meet the needs of the poor communities and reach the young and the old with the Gospel message. Even the local government has recognized their efforts and has given them the “green light” in the community. One of the most effective outreaches during the COVID-19 pandemic have been their online services. While people are in their homes and many have lost their jobs, they listen to the Gospel message and contact the church for help. Each week the church borrows video equipment from the local TV station, sets it up and films worship, preaching and other creative ways to share Jesus. This online outreach has been so successful that they are in great need of their own equipment!
The total cost of the camera and all the accessories is around $2500. We want to help Iglasia De Cristo in this need. Will you join us in supporting this wonderful ministry?
WMA family is growing rapidly. The more challenging the situation becomes around the world, the more Christians feel the call into the Great Commission. In 2021 we will open 3 regional chapters of World Missions Alliance in Washington, DC, Denver, CO and Cincinnati, OH. The regional chapters will build local communities of Christians who are passionate about the great Commission and will host monthly prayer meetings for everyone who wants to be more involved with WMA.
Meet our regional chapter leaders and let us know if you would like to get involved:
Ellen Yao
Ellen came to the States from South Korea when she was 6 years old. She has spent most of her life in the Washington DC metropolitan area. Currently, Ellen and her husband Matt are in seminary at Global Awakening. She believes Washington DC area is the perfect place to raise up more leaders to spread the love of God and to send more disciples out into all the nations.
Christy Bacon
Christy Bacon was born in the Philippines and became a US citizen in 1985. She has recently retired from Boeing Corporation, attended Seattle Bible College and has been involved as a missionary with WMA since 2017. Christy is passionate about missions and intercessory prayer.
Anna Desmarais
A retired music teacher, she went on her first mission trip with WMA in 2016 and found it very rewarding. Since then she has been on 4 more mission trips and is now serving as a volunteer for WMA headquarters. She says: “Each time I go I see God working in others; while at the same time, He is drawing me closer to Him.”
Pastor Rueben was overwhelmed by the response from the WMA family to help feed the starving people in Nepal. With his ministry team they loaded bags of rice, flower and canned goods and traveled to the most rural, remote parts of Nepal to deliver the provisions. The elderly people, the women and the children were among those the most at risk of starvation. For most of them this was the only source of food other than their gardens. We thank each WMA partner who responded to this need – you were truly messengers of Christ’s love in Nepal!
A heart for the harvest” is a life’s mission statement. It describes a very unique and specific person. It is a person who is in love with Jesus. A person whose knowledge of Christ surpasses intellect and reaches into the very depth of the soul. It is a person whose compassion for another human being mirrors the heart of Christ. It is a person who is willing to step into the unknown with a trust that he or she can be used by God for a greater good. It is a person who believes that his or her life matters in God’s plan for humanity.