World Missions Alliance believes the Great Commission is the best investment in peace, justice, and a better future for people
The simplest way to support World Missions Alliance is to make a gift online. We accept credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers, Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal.
A monthly contribution will support our work year-round. To set up a regular donation, select the “make this donation monthly” option on our donate page or select “monthly” on the giving form on this page.
To give by check in U.S. dollars or another currency, please make your check out to “World Missions Alliance.”
Please mail checks sent via the US Postal Service to:
World Missions Alliance
P.O. Box 1067
Branson West, MO 65737
To wire your gift through a bank transfer in U.S. dollars or another currency, please contact [email protected]. We’ll provide the information you need to give your bank or financial institution to complete the donation.
World Missions Alliance gratefully accepts gifts in the form of stocks/appreciated securities. Please consult with your financial planner to determine the best option and contact [email protected] for more information.
Support the spread of the Gospel around the world for generations to come. It’s a gift that costs you nothing now, is flexible and can often be established easily through a new will, trust or an amendment. For more information on bequests, visit our planned giving page.
Rally your friends and family for world missions. More information on starting a fundraiser is available on our fundraise page.
With support from our partners, we are leading the movement of “changed lives change lives” around the world. Learn more about how your organization can partner with World Missions Alliance— from employee matches to campaign sponsorships — on our corporate giving page.
You can support World missions Alliance if you shop using AmazonSmile. Find out how here.
Corporations can match employee donations to World Missions Alliance. It’s an easy way to double your contribution to world missions.
Donations are tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. World missions Alliance is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization based in the U.S. Our tax ID / EIN is 74-3116216. For gifts made online, keep your email receipt as your official record to claim your donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes. For gifts made offline by donors living in the U.S. and who provide a mailing address, you will receive a donation receipt by postal mail.
Enter your donation amount on our donation form on this page and select “give a gift in honor of someone” to customize and send your tribute gift.
While donations through our website are displayed in U.S. dollars, payments are accepted and will be automatically converted from many currencies around the world.
We encourage our most passionate supporters to start a fundraiser. Visit our fundraiser page to get started.
We’re happy to help. Please click the button below to fill out our contact form and a staff member will respond as soon as possible.