Medical Missions
Project Timothy
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Medical Missions
Project Timothy
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JULY 23-30, 2020

July 23-30  we are going to Transnistria, Moldova, a “country that does not exist”. About 500,000 people live in this small sliver of land, which borders Ukraine and seceded from Moldova as the Soviet Union was collapsing. Due to the high population of the Russian people, this land sought separation from Moldova. It remains politically and economically independent from Moldova but is not recognized by other countries except Russia. We will partner with the local Church of Christ, the Savior in two main projects. One will target the adults through: Bible distribution, training leaders and businessmen, preaching and teaching, and praying for the sick.The other project is to serve the children and youth in a very impoverished area outside of the city Tiraspol. We will part with a local church to host a summer camp for them and minister to their spiritual and physical needs. These young people have grown up in a generational poverty with parents who are unable to take care even of themselves.The church under the leadership of pastors Alexei and Natalia Velikiy have been faithfully serving this community in providing food, clothing, helping to find housing and above all, loving them with patience and forgiveness.If ministering to the hurting people and doing youth outreach is your calling, this is a perfect ministry opportunity for you.Moldova is a beautiful country known for its rich soils, beautiful landscapes, abundant vineyards and warm hospitable people.We have also designated this as a family mission, so if you have a desire to bring your children or grandchildren – this is a great time to start them in the Great Commission.Please contact our office for a special family mission rate for this trip!


  • Former Soviet Republic
  • The official language of Moldova is Romanian (used to be part of Romania during interwar period)
  • Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, Moldova has suffered a political & economic crisis, including a devastation Civil War in the early ’90s
  • Considered the poorest nation in Europe
  • Ranks at the top in human trafficking & illegal organ harvesting


  • The Moldovan people are in need of True Hope
  • The youth need to be rescued from sexual exploitation
  • The local churches have requested help & training in evangelism and other areas of ministry including: church administration, men’s outreach, women’s outreach, youth ministry, etc…
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