You, Lord, are my lamp; the Lord turns my darkness into light. 2 Samuel 22:29
Have you experienced this before – the Lord lighting up your darkness with His glorious presence? To me this verse in David’s song means that sometimes our dark circumstances don’t change immediately but in the midst of this darkness God’s light shines ever brighter.
I thought of this when I sat with Marina, a middle-aged Ukrainian refugee with tears in her beautiful eyes. She told me how when the bombing of her city started, she ran at night to the nearest bomb shelter and twisted her ankle. She was lying on the ground in complete darkness not knowing if she would survive. She was able to escape to Moldova with nothing but the clothes she wore. Looking for food she was told about the Victory Church in Chisinau. Marina had never been to church before but the moment she stepped into the sanctuary to pick up her food pack she felt something incredible. Peace washed over her like a wave, and she instantly felt at home. Marina came to receive food and ended up meeting Jesus as her Savior. She is still a refugee, her hometown is still under attack, her future is still uncertain, but Marina has found peace, joy and confidence about her future. Jesus invaded her “darkness” and became her Light and the Love of her life.
I am so excited to share with you about many incredible things God accomplished through our team during the WMA mission in Moldova this month, about the upcoming ministry opportunity in the Republic of Georgia in 2023 and how you can help the most underprivileged people in Macedonia.
Your partnership equips WMA to invade the darkest, most difficult parts of the world with the Light of Jesus. Chuck and I lift you in our prayers as a very cherished member of our WMA family!
In Christ,
Helen & Chuck Todd
Our team partnered with Victory Church in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova to work with the refugees from Ukraine. Ever since the war between Russia and Ukraine started in February of 2022, Victory Church became involved in hosting, feeding and helping the Ukrainians find shelter and travel to other countries in Europe if they chose to do so. Many of them found Jesus because they were overwhelmed by the kindness and love they found in the church. WMA team hosted a summer camp for over 60 kids, most of them were Ukrainians, others Moldovan, but over 90% of the kids heard the Gospel message for the first time. At the end of the camp 20 kids prayed the salvation prayer and all of them said this was the best camp they had ever been to. We provided packed and distributed substantial grocery supply packs for 100 refugee families (over 300 people), who packed the church on the day of distribution. Before the food bags were given out, WMA team shared testimonies and a short Gospel message. They were also invited to attend a free medical clinic hosted by our team and the women’s conference. While several of the refugees accepted Jesus right there, many signed up for the clinic and the conference. WMA nurses distributed vitamins and supplements. At the women’s conference we focused on the emotional needs of the women and how Jesus meets them right where they are. We provided special gifts for every woman, sang songs with them, and taught them worship dances. Many of them responded to the Gospel message and connected with the Pastor and his wife for attending future services and events. Most of the refugees are women and children because men are not allowed to leave Ukraine.
It was incredible to know that the people whose lives were touched by our team will receive a follow up and care from our partners in Victory Church. Building lives in Christ is a slow process and we plan to continue to remain involved in the lives of these newly saved families and let them know that they have brothers and sisters in Christ who care for them on a regular basis.
Our team also ministered to men in the drug rehabilitation center started by Victory Church. We poured encouragement into the lives of men who were rejected by society and deemed hopeless. It was faith in Christ alone that helped them set aside decades of heroin addiction. It was a great testament of Christ’s power to completely renew lives.
Due to many urgent needs and ministry opportunities in Moldova we will return to Chisinau May 5-15, 2023. If you have a heart for the Ukrainian refugees, children’s and youth ministry and outreach for people with addictions, we invite you to join this team. The spots are filling up fast. Please contact our office ASAP!
Much like the Apostle Paul saw a man from Macedonia in his vision, we received a very clear call from God to minister in this country. This time we will have a chance to reach out to the most impoverished villages and share the Gospel with the Albanian Muslim minorities who have never heard the Gospel before and the Roma (gypsy) communities. knowing their poverty and hardships we cannot share the Gospel with them without helping them with food, clothing, vitamins and Bibles. Sometimes help arriving at the right moment is a great witness to a person in need that God cares. Please help us be a witness of God’s love and provision to the Macedonians.
Our host church, the Georgia Kurdish Church and Cultural Center under the leadership of Pastor Rezo, have already started the preparation for our team’s ministry and are anxiously anticipating our arrival. This church serves the Kurdish minority people in the Republic of Georgia, the most underprivileged people group in this nation. There are about 12,000 Kurds living in Georgia today.
Pastor Rezo has planned a big evangelistic outreach for our team to help bring the Kurdish people into the light of Christ. We will be in Georgia during the celebration of Orthodox Christmas (on January 7th). This is a great opportunity to attract the non-believers, bless the impoverished families and explain the hope that Christ brings to them through this holiday.
The non-believers will be invited to visit the medical clinic at the church where our team will not only provide physical care but will introduce the Gospel for those who want to hear. You have an opportunity to offer them through Christ a new life; prosperity in place of poverty, hope in place of despair, healing in place of brokenness.
We will also host seminars and training sessions for the church leadership to help strengthen the local body of Christ.
If you have a heart for the hurting people, are gifted in teaching, preaching, children’s and youth ministry, have medical skills and / or a gift of intercessory prayer – we need you on this team.
Our destination, Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, is a city with over 1500 years of history. With a population of about 1.5 million, Tbilisi is known for its distinctive architecture, which reflects the city’s colorful past and is an eclectic mix of Medieval, Neoclassical, Art Nouveau, Stalinist and Modernist structures.
You will have a chance to enjoy the beautiful lights and Christmas bazaars this city hosts each year in the first week of January.
Georgia today is at the crossroads, politically and economically. The same applies to the Kurdish people who are seeking to unite into an independent state. The spiritual future of the Georgian and Kurdish people depends on us responding to his call at such a time as this!
Please consider this invitation with much prayer. Our team at the WMA office is here to help you fulfill this calling whether you need assistance with booking your flight or raising funds.
If your schedule does not allow you to travel in January, please consider sowing into Georgia outreach – we will need to purchase supplies for the medical clinic, supplies for the poor families and Bibles in Georgian and Russian languages.
Thank you for partnering with us in the Great Commission.
World Missions Alliance in partnership with several churches in Albania is launching a child sponsorship project that will focus on the kids from the marginalized and impoverished communities to give them a chance for a brighter future. In this program a $40/month sponsorship will provide a child with a social worker who will evaluate the needs and prospects, a tutor who will provide quality Christian-based afterschool education or teach an older child a skill that will help them find employment after graduating as well as nutritional and medical assistance. It will also give this child a loving and nurturing relationship with a Christian sponsor. For most of the children among the Albanian minorities quality education and life skills are unattainable luxuries their families can’t or are unwilling to provide.
We were told that Islamic organizations are paying women in Albania $100 to wear a hijab and entice young people with money to attend mosques.
For $40 a month you can offer a child a life changing opportunity of a brighter future with Jesus.
Please check out to see the faces and read the stories of the kids who are waiting for someone to believe in them and become their champion!
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