If the Balkan Peninsula is the place that is close to your heart, we invite you to consider a “Macedonian call” to travel to the small southern city on the border of Norther Macedonia and Greece on September 2-12, 2020. Gevgelija is known for its warm hospitality and its name means “welcome back”. It is also just 40 miles from the Greek city of Thessaloniki, is nestled between two mountains and crossed by the river Vardar. Beneath the beauty and warmth this city faces many spiritual challenges – booming gambling business, the suffering of the refugees in the transit refugee camp who escape from the Middle East illegally by boats or hiding in freight trains looking for a safer life. The greatest spiritual challenge, however, is the need for evangelism!
Our ministry will focus on encouraging and helping the local churches in evangelistic efforts, building personal relationships with the people, one-on-one evangelism, intercessory prayer, teaching and training, reaching out the youth and, if the Lord opens this door, unevangelized Albanian Muslims.
Macedonian people, just like everyone else, have been shaken by the physical, emotional and the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The truth, hope and the solid life foundation that come with the faith in Christ have never been more needed and timelier.
If you have a heart for missions and a desire to help those who have suffered so much in the recent decades, you are needed. If your gift is intercessory prayer – we can’t do this mission without you!
Northern Macedonia is a bridge between Europe and the Middle East, it is an important gateway in God’s plan for His last Harvest. We consider this a very strategic mission.
On a free day you will have a chance explore the beauty and get a taste of the Macedonian culture. September will allows us to enjoy the best of its produce – figs, apples, and abundance of other fruits and vegetables.
If the Lord stirs your heart to join the very first WMA team to Macedonia – reserve your spot on the team today, we have limited spots still available.
In the recent years Macedonia has experienced a deep political crisis. The crisis stemmed from the entrenched conflict between the largest Macedonian ruling party and the largest Macedonian opposition party, as well as the Albanian minority groups seeking representation in the government. Corruption among the leaders and the weak economy have been at the root of the tensions in the country. The 30% unemployment rate combined with the minimal guaranteed salary of 150 EUR created an atmosphere of despair and feelings of insecurity in the majority of the Macedonian citizens. Due to such trends, a good number of younger Macedonian citizens have left the country.
- Only 3,000 to 5,000 among Macedonian population are Evangelical Christians, which is about 0.3 percent of the population. The vast majority of the evangelical believers in Macedonia are Macedonians, with the Roma population being the second largest evangelical group. There are very few Macedonian Albanian evangelical believers in Macedonia.
- Passion for evangelism for the Christian leaders in Macedonia.
- Long term political stability (Macedonia has been greenlighted by the US for acceptance into NATO in December of 2019!)
- Salvation among Macedonian Albanians, who are Muslims but are open to witness (no churches exist among them as of today)