Greetings in this new year 2022! I pray that you are well, and hopeful about what’s ahead. There may not be many signs for hope in the natural, but true hope is anchored on God and does not need signs from the world. You and I have a promise, better than anything this world might offer.

In December I came down with Covid-19 which prevented Helen and I from leading the team to Mexico. Our staff members Jamie Yeager and Jack Cowart, along with our partner from Iglesia De Cristo, Dan Soriano, led the team and the results of the ministry exceeded all expectations.

When you and I are connected in the body of Christ, when one of us is weak, the other is strong, and God’s plan is accomplished!

I believe it is CRUCIAL for each believer in 2022 to seek their true calling in Christ, their GREATER PURPOSE. I love the words of Apostle Paul:

“…Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” Phil 3:12

It was his lifelong goal to continuously pursue his greater purpose.

This is why Helen and I are so excited about the upcoming Greater Purpose Conference. I hope to see you there, press deeper into understanding the Kingdom of God and the purpose the Lord has for each one of us in this new season. I believe this is an important priority that sets our lives on the right course in the year 2022.

And now, with great excitement I want to share with you the latest news.

Yours in Christ,

Chuck and Helen Todd

Our team arrived in Mexico two days after the famous Guadalupe pilgrimage, the feast day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, celebrated annually on Dec. 12th.  With lavish pageantry crowds of more than 1.5 million pilgrims arrived on their knees in prayer to Mexico City this year. Mexican people desperately need to know Christ as their Savior and this is what our team shared with them through medical clinics, street evangelism, ministering in the schools, encouraging the believers, and even visiting a local hospital.

WMA medical team treated 200 patients in a poor neighborhood in a make-shift clinic set up in a tent. Adults and kids gathered around the team – some to be treated, others out of curiosity. The prayer team prayed for every person that came by. The other team members played with the kids and distributed Bibles. In the meantime, the evangelism team canvased the neighborhood sharing the Gospel with those who were willing to listen.

In the evenings the team members shared testimonies and teaching at Iglesia De Cristo building up the church that desperately needed encouragement.

WMA team shared Christ at the youth conference that gathered young people from several area churches and took meals and Bibles to one of the largest hospitals in the area.

We look forward to returning to Mexico March 7-14 and the new opportunities that God is opening to WMA in this nation.

This February we are heading to Serbia and Bosnia in one trip. In His divine wisdom God is sending us into two countries that were enemies in a terrible war. There is still so much pain and hostility between these two countries. Only God can bridge this conflict and we will travel as the messengers of His peace.

On this trip we will have the opportunity to reach out to the homeless and the Serbian and Bosnian gypsy families – the Romas. Being marginalized in the society the Romas are generally paid less than half of the salary a non-Roma worker would receive. There are reports that the Romas are sometimes forced to pay bribes to receive proper medical treatment. Many children in large Romani families suffer from malnutrition, which affects their overall health and ability to study. With winter upon them many of them do not have adequate clothing to keep them from freezing. We will be working with our partner ministries in these communities bringing the hope of the Gospel along with much needed food, supplies and winter clothing but we need your help. Please consider supporting the Serbia and Bosnia outreaches this February. What a privilege to be a blessing as we have been so blessed!

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Donation Total: $15.00

In preparation for the main theme of the 2022 Greater Purpose Conference we started the new podcast series “That’s Kingdom”. If you have not yet subscribed to the Limitless Spirit Podcast, I encourage you to do so. It is available on Itunes, Amazon Music, Iheart Radio, Spotify, Stitcher, Pandora and all the other podcast platforms. The series will take you on a journey of pursuing the Kingdom of God on a deeper level. Every guest on the podcast series for the next few weeks will dive into a certain aspect of the Kingdom of God, and the conference on March 30, 31 and April 1 will be the grand finale.

This is a wonderful focus for the new year. Jesus lays the pursuit of the Kingdom as the foundation for a blessed life in Matthew 6:33.

At the Greater Purpose Conference in Branson, MO every speaker will share a message based on a verse concerning the Kingdom of God. The worship team from The King’s University, under the guidance of the Gateway Church, is also centering their songs around the Kingdom theme. WMA prayer team will be available to pray with you between the sessions, and, of course, the best part of the conference is the fellowship with believers from different countries, who have the same heart and vision as you.

If you can’t travel to Branson, MO to attend in-person, please consider the digital conference which you can watch online. Please check out the registration options below and visit our website for more information.


Is the world’s next missions movement in Ethiopia? This was the title of the article a couple of years ago in Christianity Today magazine. The article went on to say that “in Ethiopia, evangelicalism is growing at a faster rate than even the booming general population, already the second-largest in Africa and projected to exceed 112 million people in a few years. According to the World Christian Database, in 1970 the Horn of Africa nation had about 900,000 self-identifying evangelicals, about 3 percent of its total population. By 2015, that number swelled to almost 19 million, or 19 percent of Ethiopians.” God has always called WMA to the nations on the verge of a great revival. It appears that Ethiopia is no exception. With more than 80 distinct ethnic groups, Ethiopia is a true melting pot. It is the only African country to not be colonized by a European power, and today it stands proud of this heritage. It is here that the oldest hominid was found, where the Queen of Sheba may be entombed, and where the Ark of the Covenant is said to have rested. Islam also claims Ethiopia as an important historic site and therefore it is engaged in a battle for the land and the hearts and the minds of its citizens. I pray you recognize how urgent and timely is our mission to Addis Ababa May 16-26, 2022.

For the last several years we have worked exclusively with the Ethiopian Jews, sharing the Gospel among them and ministering to their physical needs. This time the Lord has opened new possibilities for WMA to do evangelistic services and medical missions in some of the largest churches in Addis Ababa. The provides our team with the ability to reach more people, hold a women’s ministry and youth ministry events and visit orphanages.

We are excited to be a part of the great move of God in Ethiopia. If you feel called to Africa this mission is extremely important for the spiritual future of this continent. There are still a few spots open on the team. Please contact us ASAP to reserve your spot.

Updated Mission Trip Schedule

2022 Project Timothy Contest Deadline 1/31/22 (Ages 18-24)