Dear WMA family,
We write this letter with the new appreciation of the true, life-giving hope that only Christ can offer.
Four days before the opening session of the Greater Purpose Conference, our oldest son was randomly
and brutally attacked in Washington, D.C. by a person armed with a knife who tried to kill him.
From the moment we received a phone call about the attack, to the longest flight to Washington DC
while our son was in his first surgery, to watching him groan in pain, to hearing about the severity of his
wounds from the doctors, we had to draw on the very words and scriptures we had prepared to preach
at the conference.
The greatest encouragement came to us from our injured son. When asked how he was feeling by the
witnesses of the attack, the first responders, the police, the hospital staff, his answer was “the joy of the
Lord is my strength” (Nehemiah 8:10) His strength testified of true hope to many thousands of people as
our son’s story made it on national news.
In the meantime, surgery on the skull fracture from the knife wound was scheduled for the day when
the conference began. This made it impossible for us to be at the conference.
The enemy not only attempted to take the life of our firstborn son, but he also tried to steal the
message of hope from those who needed it the most.
The enemy cannot win! He has the power to cause evil, he can inflict pain, he can bring us grief. But he
cannot win! The joy of the Lord comes from the unchanging, dependable, benevolent character of God.
It is untarnished by the circumstances. Even when you don’t feel joyful, it must be proclaimed and
declared. Then you begin to see beauty in the greatest trials of your life.
God cares. When His son was crucified on the cross, He felt the pain of Christ’s wounds. God wept over
His son but also over those who rejected Him. From this moment of great sorrow, the greatest victory
was born, and in this victory, we have our greatest hope.
Our son’s life was spared. He is expected to make a full recovery. The Greater Purpose Conference was
not canceled. WMA staff and Pastors Dave Dolan, Marty Macdonald, Lou Perez, Don Caywood and all
the other speakers, the worship team and the volunteers carried it with true anointing and the power of
the Holy Spirit.
We are excited to share with you the report of some wonderful testimonies from the conference, the
upcoming mission opportunity in Argentina, and how you can help us reach Mexico for Jesus!
We thank all those who have been praying and have supported us through these difficult times.
In Christ,
Chuck and Helen Todd
The reports from the conference confirmed how timely is the message of hope not just for the non-
believers, but also for the body of Christ.
Hearing powerful words preached about hope, worshiping Christ together as a family of believers,
fellowship, laughter, prayer – brought victory into the lives of those who attended.
The message of the faithful God who gives us endless hope was a perfectly timed message. Those in
attendance experienced healing, breakthrough, and hope.
One of the attendees who came for the first time had lost her daughter just two weeks prior. She was
invited by a friend and was in deep grief. She was ministered to by one of the speakers and the WMA
prayer team who were truly led by the Holy Spirit in recognizing her despair and speaking life and hope
into her soul. She was deeply touched by the Lord.
There are two main reasons WMA hosts the Greater Purpose Conference each year. One is to celebrate
our community. World Missions Alliance is a family of people who share a passion for the Great
Commission and care deeply for each other. Worshiping God together, learning together deeper truths
about His Kingdom and enjoying each other’s company is a wonderful and important way to feel the
connection with the worldwide body of Christ. The other reason is to help every Christian to connect
with their greater purpose and discover what they are called to do within the Kingdom of God. The
feedback we continue to receive after the last conference confirms that both goals were accomplished.
But there is more…The message of hope we received at the conference will continue to spread and
create the ripple effect in our communities and the nations where the Lord sends us! We have already
set the dates for next year’s Greater Purpose Conference – April 3, 4 and 5, 2024.
God called us to proclaim the light of Christ to the garbage collectors and their families in Pachuca,
Mexico. The garbage collectors live and work around the mounds of trash. This kind of work is
dangerous for their health because they frequently cut themselves with needles and sharp objects and
become infected. Most of them have been living there for decades in generational poverty. The leader
of their community told us our team nobody ever comes to visit them or cares about them. They have
been forgotten by the rest of the world. But Jesus’s heart breaks for them and He called us to take His
love and His light to them.
You can help us with this outreach in two ways:
1. Helps us provide food, medications and Bibles for the kids and adults
2. Pray for the harvest of souls in the garbage city
Do you remember these powerful words found in Acts 1:8: “But you will receive power when the Holy
Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the
ends of the earth.”
August 1-11 WMA will travel to Buenos Aires, Argentina and Ushuaia, Argentina, the city officially
recognized as the “end of the world”.
The Lord first called WMA to the “end of the earth” in October 2016. We discovered a beautiful land
with snowcapped Andes Mountains and crystal-clear waters of the Beagle Channel, but most
importantly, God connected us with a beautiful body of Christ – a church that is passionate about Christ
and the Great Commission.
We have also discovered that the people in Argentina are hungry for the Word of God.
Do you love people? Do you enjoy talking to them one on one? Our partner churches are planning
many outdoor activities for our team to engage the local people in conversations, pass out Bibles and
Gospel tracts and build relationships and friendships. The goal would be to invite them to our evening
meetings at the church.
If your calling is teaching and training leaders, we have been asked to hold seminars on evangelism and
We will also host medical clinics in the most impoverished neighborhoods.
Argentina needs a spiritual revival! The Lord has called us to this beautiful nation as the “refiners and
purifiers of silver” to partner with the local churches in bringing the spiritual awakening to this country.
Intercessory prayer will also be a big part of our ministry. Argentina is a tough soil for missionary work,
but the Lord called us and has prepared the way. We look forward to reaching the far end of the earth
for Jesus.
Buenos Aires is a beautiful city with European-style architecture. Many call it the “Paris of South
America”. We will explore this city covering it with intercessory prayer. This ministry will be
foundational to the move of the Holy Spirit in Argentina. The difficult history has left the imprint on
the city and the country, and some strongholds need to be broken down. Argentina has been affected
by witchcraft throughout history, even on the highest government levels. Yet, this country through the
recent years has experienced waves of extraordinary revivals. It is by God’s power only that we can
make a true and lasting difference in this nation.
If you feel called to join us, please contact our office ASAP as the spots on this team are limited.
We pray that the Lord calls you to join this very important mission and look forward to partnering with
you on the Great Commission!
World Missions Alliance’s child sponsorship project helps the kids from the marginalized and impoverished communities.
Your monthly sponsorship of $40/month will provide a child with a church-based oversight, a tutor for high quality afterschool education or teach an older child a skill that will help them find employment after graduating, nutritional and medical assistance. Our goal is to give them a chance to succeed in life in spite of being born into poverty, just like Jesus wants them to.
- Sponsor one child or an entire family.
- Choose a full sponsorship or a partial sponsorship.
- Give a one-time gift for an entire year
As a sponsor you will receive regular updates, photos from their lives, and the reports from the program leaders in Albania of how they progress within the program. You can send notes, prayers, observe how God works in their lives, and know that you have played an important part.
Click the button below to visit the Child Sponsorship Page to see the children that are still in need of sponsorship.