The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.
Proverbs 11:25
Have you ever been refreshed by someone? In a moment when you felt depleted, worthless, has someone taken time with you to encourage and build you up, strengthen your faith, boost your self-confidence? If you have, you know that a timely “watering” can bring to life those areas of our lives that appear dead and hopeless. A proper watering brings new life, but it also refreshes the one who waters. This is the symbolism of how eternity works. When we take part in this cycle we partake of eternity.
Helen and I experienced this when we traveled to Albania a couple of weeks ago. We had been traveling non-stop since the beginning of the year, we had been very concerned about our loved ones and partners in Ukraine and Russia, we had faced a few minor physical issues. In other words, we needed to be refreshed. Flying half across the world to a Muslim post-Communist country on a very busy mission trip seems too counterintuitive yet the Word of God proves to be true time and time over.
During our trip to Albania not only did the Lord performed miracles through our team, He also opened a new window of opportunity for WMA to capture a country for Christ and stop the invasion of Islam into Southern Europe.
Helen and I can’t wait to share with you the exciting news. We hope they will abundantly water and refresh your spirit, show you a greater picture of how God’s plan is unfolding around the globe and how YOU are a vital part of this plan.
In Christ,
Chuck & Helen Todd
God called the World Missions Alliance to Albania at an extremely important time in its history. On the surface Albania is a beautiful gem with tall mountains, sparkling blue waters of the Adriatic Sea and hospitable lovely people. Once you learn more about its history and the present reality it becomes clear that it is a spiritual battleground. In the late 1300s the Ottoman Empire took over once a Christian nation and converted it to Islam. In the 1900s the Communist regime turned it into the most oppressive, closed and controlling of all the countries in the Communist block. Today the Albanian government allows freedom of religion, and the people’s hearts are seeking God. But the Islamic nations (especially Turkey) once again are on a mission to turn it into a Muslim stronghold.
Our team in April shared the Gospel in Tirana and its suburbs, and Elbasan, the second largest city in Albania. WMA medical clinics served the new church plants to evangelize the segments of the population that would never come to church – Albanian Muslims, Roma people and the Muslim Egyptian minorities.
Most of these people were from a very impoverished background. Some of them were illiterate, others faced limited choices to succeed in life because of generational poverty and cultural prejudices.
We partnered with 4 different churches in serving these communities. WMA clinics provided care for over 80 patients, the evangelism team distributed food packs to the families along with over 100 New Testaments and hundreds of Gospel tracts. In the clinics, evangelistic services, street evangelism and other outreaches we documented over 30 salvations.
It was incredible to witness the miraculous healings among the patients who came to the clinic. One of the ladies asked us to pray that the government pays for her disability due to her back injury. After we prayed her back was healed! The joy on her face was indescribable.
Our hearts were captivated by the many children that we have encountered in each of these outreaches. In their faces, smiles, hugs and kisses we saw the hope for the future of Albania. In a church serving a Roma community under the leadership of Pastor Mona there was a 12-year-old girl who stayed with our medical team the entire time while other kids were playing. She watched the nurses take blood pressure, do blood sugar tests and examine patients. She told us her dream was to become a doctor. Unfortunately, her illiterate mother did not want to send her to school. The girl will be given in marriage to someone much older than her once she reaches 13. Her story is sad but very typical.
There is a real need to capture the next generation of Albanians by not just introducing them to Christ but helping them transform their lives and equip them with skills to succeed.
We invite you to join us in this outreach.
World Missions Alliance in partnership with several churches in Albania is launching a child sponsorship project that will focus on the kids from the marginalized and impoverished communities to give them a chance for a brighter future. In this program a $40/month sponsorship will provide a child with a social worker who will evaluate the needs and prospects, a tutor who will provide quality Christian-based afterschool education or teach an older child a skill that will help them find employment after graduating as well as nutritional and medical assistance. It will also give this child a loving and nurturing relationship with a Christian sponsor. For most of the children among the Albanian minorities quality education and life skills are unattainable luxuries their families can’t or are unwilling to provide.
We were told that Islamic organizations are paying women in Albania $100 to wear a hijab and entice young people with money to attend mosques.
For $40 a month you can offer a child a life changing opportunity of a brighter future with Jesus.
Please check out to see the faces and read the stories of the kids who are waiting for someone to believe in them and become their champion!
Belkisa is a lovely girl. She is very shy at first but when she gets to know you, she gets really energetic and very funny. Her favorite color is red. She loves to play with dolls and draws most of the time. Belkisa lives with her mother, father, and her grandparents in their own house. Her grandfather is the only one who provides income in the family with his pension.
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Our ministry will focus on encouraging and helping the local churches in evangelistic efforts, building personal relationships with the people, one-on-one evangelism, intercessory prayer, teaching and training, reaching out the youth and, if the Lord opens this door, unevangelized Albanian Muslims.
Pastor Mihail suggests that hosting small American culture events will gather a good crowd in the area and will be a perfect opportunity for our team to share the Gospel. We will need people gifted in arts, music, drama and even cooking to help facilitate this type of outreach.
In the evenings the women and men on the team will host special meetings for women and men in the church to share life’s stories, the Gospel and prayer time. These intimate small settings are a great opportunity for one-on-one evangelism and counseling.
We will also visit the churches in the nearby villages and minister to the needs of the poor as well as encourage small local churches.
Pastor Mihail shared with us: “We as a church are focusing this year on reaching new people from our community. Your group will help us in this goal.”
Macedonian people, just like everyone else, have been shaken by the physical, emotional and the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The truth, hope and the solid life foundation that come with the faith in Christ have never been more needed and timelier.
If you have a heart for missions and a desire to help those who have suffered so much in the recent decades, you are needed. If your gift is intercessory prayer – we can’t do this mission without you!
Northern Macedonia is a bridge between Europe and the Middle East, it is an important gateway in God’s plan for His last Harvest. We consider this a very strategic mission.
On a free day you will have a chance explore the beauty and get a taste of the Macedonian culture. October will allow us to enjoy the best of its produce – figs, apples, and abundance of other fruits and vegetables.
If the Lord stirs your heart to join the very first WMA team to Macedonia – reserve your spot on the team today, we have limited spots still available.