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Is it possible to love God more after He has seemingly failed to protect you?

Katrina Griffin lived through an experience that could simply be described as “every woman’s worst nightmare.” After a man sexually assaulted her in her 20s, the police falsely accused Katrina of making it all up. Those traumatic experiences made her very angry at God in the weeks, months and years that followed.
However, today Katrina says she is more in love with God and more confident in God’s goodness than before she went through all of those terrible things. She’ll tell us why on this episode of Limitless Spirit as she walks through her journey of healing, rebuilding her relationship with God, forgiving her attacker, the police and finding a greater purpose for her life.

 2:22 – Difficulties in childhood including being bullied, hating herself, struggling with her identity, and rebelling against her parents

 7:55 – How Katrina came to know Jesus and how that changed her life

 10:03 – Katrina’s difficult story of being raped just outside her apartment

 14:15 – The police’s infuriating response to Katrina reporting her rape

 17:00 – Katrina talks about her anger, hatred, and unforgiveness and how she finds a breakthrough

 19:55 – Reflections from being on the other side of this tragedy and God has healed and changed Katrina for the better

 22:34 – Katrina describes a miraculous healing during her recent medical mission trip

 25:15 – Katrina’s greater purpose is interconnected with her story

Would you like know more about how you can connect with your greater purpose? After you listen to Katrina’s testimony, go to our website: and find out how World Missions Alliance can help you connect to your greater purpose. Find out more about the Greater Purpose Conference:

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