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Pride… Control… Not respecting the leadership…
These are the things that led Jason Raine to walk away from God after he had a bad experience during a mission trip in high school. Looking to find his true identity Jason threw himself into building a successful career. But the same issues that caused him to leave church created a conflict at work that almost cost him his job.
After a tough conversation with his boss and a forced leave, Jason did some soul searching. He realized he had to make big changes in his life. Step one was developing a real, authentic relationship with Jesus. He got plugged into a church and serving in youth ministry and technical support.
The Covid -19 pandemic threatened to take away everything that Jason valued due to the strict lockdowns in California. Instead, God led Jason into a new circle of friends and through them on a lifechanging mission trip to Serbia where he experienced a big miracle and felt guided in the direction of his true calling..
3:43 – Jason felt betrayed by his youth pastor on a mission trip
5:11 – “I walked away from God”
6:46 – Jason pursues a career but has a conflict with his boss over his attitude and work ethic
9:11 – Jason’s boss gives him some tough love and Jason realizes he’s been in the wrong, which led him back to God
13:06 – Downloading TikTok and getting connected to WMA leads to him going to Serbia on a mission trip
19:34 – “Serbia was the trip of a lifetime.” Jason shares how God showed him he was supposed to be there as he helped out with the church’s tech equipment and prayed for a man who had cancer and was later found to be cancer-free
28:11 – Jason’s greater purpose and what’s next for his life
Would you like know more about how you can connect with your greater purpose? After you listen to this episode, go to our website: and find out how World Missions Alliance can help you connect to your greater purpose. Find out more about the Greater Purpose Conference:
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